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Our programmes and workshops advocate the need for us all to be more mindful of our daily activities and how small actions can add up to create major devastation for our planet.

In the same way, small changes in our lifestyle habits can turn the needle towards a healthier planet. It’s not too late to make that change and everyone can make a difference.

Here are some ways that you can contribute to that change, simply by making these small habit alterations.

Reduce your use of plastic

Bring along your own carrier bags to the supermarket instead of using the supermarket’s plastic bags.
If you have to use plastic carrier bags from a supermarket on a rare occasion, take charge of the packing of the bag yourself and insist on minimal bags being used.
When buying food to take home, refuse the disposable utensils. You have your own at home.
Avoid using condiments like sauces in small plastic sachets. Frequent restaurants that serve their condiments in glass bottles.
Avoid using straws and other plastic utensils in cafes and restaurants.
When ordering your daily cup of joe, bring your own mug instead of using the store’s takeaway cups.
Choose wisely when making purchases. Avoid the overly packaged products that waste paper and plastic.

Reduce your use of paper

Stop buying newspapers and consume your news online.
Save all files digitally where you can, including your accounts.
When printing, print on both sides of the paper – set that as default on your printer.
Think before you print anything out at work or home. Does it absolutely need to be printed?
When disposing of paper, dispose of it in recycling bins. If running an office, subscribe to a service that will collect your paper waste for recycling.

Reduce your use of electricity

Turn off lights and air-con when not using a room.
Choose energy-saving home electronics like your washing machine and air-con and always choose the energy saving elements of their programmes.
Limit use of air-con in the home to either one common room or limit the hours of use.
Set your aircon to a high temperature to avoid overuse.
Reduce your use of energy-dependent gadgets.
Unplug devices from the wall socket when not in use as when plugged in, even when switched off, they still drain energy.
Use energy-saving LED bulbs.
Limit the use of screen time for children.

Reduce your use of water

Turn off the tap when washing dishes when you are not ready to rinse them.
Plan a timetable for washing your clothes so the washing machine is not used every day.
Select the lowest water setting for your volume of clothes and use the water saving setting on your washing machine.
Turn off the shower when soaping yourself and spend no more than 10 minutes having a shower.
Avoid rainshower-type shower heads that encourage higher water usage.
Avoid flushing the toilet with every use.

Reduce use of personal transport

Aim for a car-free lifestyle: walk instead of drive for short trips.
Take public transport rather than car or taxi.
Car pool to avoid multiple vehicle use.

Join our workshops to find out what else you can do.

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About Us

Go Green Sparks's founders grew up from humble beginnings, raised by their grandparents to rely on the land and its natural resources for survival. They raised chickens and grew their own food in their backyard in a lifestyle that was simple and kind to the Earth. Find Out More...
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